Thursday, March 17, 2011

Craft Conspiracy Mission Statement and General Guidelines

Craft Conspiracy

The purpose of this group is for us to get together, enjoy each others’ company, do some crafts, have some fun, let our kids play together, and maybe eat some food. We can all learn from each other, share tools and supplies, trade a few items that we aren’t using any more, and maybe even review products that we’ve tried before. We can take turns teaching at each session, take turns hosting the gatherings as well. There will be organizational meetings that may be held in person or via the internet and telephone, so if there is something you would like to see, please let it be known.
Many of us will be bringing children along, which is a great way for them to get together to play. Be prepared to get interrupted often. If there is a project that you would like to teach that might be a little too dangerous to have around small children, we might have to schedule a meeting time that will allow us to find babysitters, so keep that in mind. Some of the moms might even want to plan outings with the kids, such as going to the park.
If you would like to show off something you've made, bring it with you to the gathering, or bring a picture. The rest of us would probably like to congratulate you for your accomplishment. We'll have a little “Brag Time” during the meeting, and you might be asked to teach the rest of us how to do it, if you're willing.
If you run into a problem on a project, maybe someone else in the group can help come up with a solution. We'll have a brainstorming session if we need to.
If our gathering runs into a mealtime or snack time, we can all chip in a little and have a quick and easy lunch that’s kid-friendly.  If your or your child has specific eating habits (food allergies, will only eat certain foods, etc.), please make it clear to the person hosting or be prepared to provide an alternative.  We should talk about food ahead of time, so we can all have something we like, especially the kids.
There will be two types of meetings: Exhibition-style and Craft-alongs. If there’s something you want to just “show” for some reason (materials/tools are costly, excessive downtime between steps, etc.), you can show off the steps and everyone can just watch. This is what we'll call an Exhibition. If the project can be done by everyone at the same time, we'll call it a Craft-along. For Craft-alongs, you might be given a list of materials to bring with you, or a cost for materials. More detailed information will be covered in the “Instructing a Session” section.

Here’s a short list of “House Rules” that should be gotten out there, just so that everything is clear and fair to everyone. Most of this is just common courtesy and ethical behavior, but it’s better that it is said ahead of time and not assumed. If someone breaks these rules, there might be a vote as to what the penalty should be, or the person may be asked to leave the group.

  1. Follow the Golden Rule. Be nice. Leave religious and political bickering somewhere else.
  2. Communicate. If you have a question about what is acceptable, ask. It’s better to ask permission instead of forgiveness.
  3. This group is about sharing what tools, supplies and knowledge we have with each other harmoniously. If someone teaches you something, you must give him/her credit for that knowledge and not try to act like it was your own original idea.
  4. If someone produces an item to sell and they choose to share this procedure with the group, we want to support our teammate and not become competition. If someone sees such an item and would like to purchase it, please direct them to the appropriate person. Gifting is okay, but please take care not to over saturate the market. If you have a question, please ask the original crafter how they would like it handled.
  5. Leave it like it was when you got there (if not better). We will all help our host/hostess clean up our messes during and after each session. If we don’t, no one will want to share their home.
  6. The person responsible for teaching a session should supply a list of necessary tools and materials that everyone should bring ahead of time, so there isn’t a shortage while we are working. If you don’t have something on the list, clear it with the instructor ahead of time, some things might be shared easily. The instructor may purchase some of the materials for the group, as well as having patterns printed/copies run, etc. for each participant, and should be reimbursed for their out of pocket expense. If you can’t afford the materials but would still like to attend, talk it out with the instructor. Either the materials might be provided for you somehow or you can at least come to watch!
  7. Each session will have an RSVP for many reasons. The instructor needs to know how many people to provide materials for and if there is enough interest in the project, the host/hostess needs to know if there will be room available in their given space, etc. It is imperative to RSVP by the due date given, otherwise there may not be room for you to participate.

Leave comments, folks!

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